Miraculous Healing Points Women to Jesus
Sahel Region
One Women of Impact leader in the Sahel region of Africa shares that she has witnessed many women in need of both physical & spiritual healing, and as she and other Christian women pray for healing, the women are then drawn to Jesus and begin their journey of seeking Him. Here is one recent testimony.
“Last week, I visited my group of refugee women to check in and see how they were doing. I asked if anyone had testimonies to share from the past year. They spoke of healings, miracles, and other experiences. Then, I asked if they had any prayer requests. All of them mentioned the same need: we needed to pray for a woman suffering from severe pain in her right breast.
Her condition was critical as she had recently given birth, less than a week before, and was unable to nurse the baby. To make matters worse, her husband had left over a month ago to find work in a neighboring village and had not returned. This woman was not part of the group I had recently been meeting with, but was invited by other refugee women who hoped she would be able to find healing among the Christians.
That evening, we prayed for her, asking God to completely heal her. I called her that night and she shared with me that the pain had disappeared and she was now able to feed her baby. Three days later, I visited her again and found her healthy. She was overjoyed for her healing.
Since that day, this woman comes regularly to participate in the Bible teachings and shares her testimony of healing with other women, telling what Jesus did for her. Please continue praying for this woman and others who are experiencing miraculous healings, that they would put their trust in Jesus and give their lives to Him. We are overjoyed for those that have already accepted Jesus and are choosing to get baptized.”