We are currently engaged in 15+ countries around Africa.
We identify and work together with teams of indigenous women in our countries of focus, as they are the catalyst for further community transformation and multiplying the impact amongst their own people.
Our current region in focus is the Sahel. The Sahel is a region stretching across the north of Africa, home to diverse tribes in ten major nations from Senegal to Sudan. There are few known Jesus followers in this region, and the harsh reality for many women in the Sahel is lack of education, illiteracy and exploitation through early marriage. According to the UN Gender Inequality index, countries like Mali, Chad and Niger are at the very lowest ranking in the world for women's rights. Women are more exposed to poverty issues and bear the burden of domestic work. In addition, they disproportionally suffer from oppressive cultural practices and gender based violence. We are currently engaged in 4 Sahel countries.